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API > swap

Function: swap()

swap(ctx, dto): Promise\<SwapResDto>


ctx: GalaChainContext

GalaChainContext – The execution context providing access to the GalaChain environment.

dto: SwapDto

SwapDto – A data transfer object containing: - tokenIn – The input token being swapped. - amountIn – The amount of tokenIn provided for the swap. - amountInMaximum – The amount of tokenIn provided for the swap. - tokenOut – The token the user wants to receive. - amountOutMinimum- This amount token user want to receive Minimum; - zeroForOne - Boolean value for swap direction - Pool Identiers – Identifier for the liquidity pool facilitating the swap. - sqrtPriceLimit – The square root price limit to protect against excessive price impact.



The swap function executes a token swap in a Uniswap V3-like liquidity pool within the GalaChain ecosystem.

