@gala-chain/chaincode ∙ API
API > quoteExactAmount
Function: quoteExactAmount()
▪ ctx: GalaChainContext
GalaChainContext – The execution context providing access to the GalaChain environment.
▪ dto: QuoteExactAmountDto
QuoteExactAmountDto – A data transfer object containing: - Input token details – Specifies which token and amount are being provided. - Trade direction – Determines whether the quote is for token0 → token1 or token1 → token0. - Pool state parameters – Includes information such as current tick and fee tier
Promise<{ amount0: string; amount1: string; sqrtPriceLimit: string }> – A response object containing: - amount0 – The calculated amount of token0 required for the trade. - amount1 – The calculated amount of token1 required for the trade. - sqrtPriceLimit – The square root price limit after the swap or liquidity operation.
The quoteExactAmount function calculates the required amount of the other token for a swap or liquidity addition in a Uniswap V3 pool within the GalaChain ecosystem.