@gala-chain/api ∙ API
API > getFeeGrowthInside
Function: getFeeGrowthInside()
▪ tickData: TickDataObj
The mapping containing all tick information for initialized ticks
▪ tickLower: number
The lower tick boundary of the position
▪ tickUpper: number
The upper tick boundary of the position
▪ tickCurrent: number
The current tick
▪ feeGrowthGlobal0: BigNumber
The all-time global fee growth, per unit of liquidity, in token0
▪ feeGrowthGlobal1: BigNumber
The all-time global fee growth, per unit of liquidity, in token1
feeGrowthInside0 The all-time fee growth in token0, per unit of liquidity, inside the position's tick boundaries
feeGrowthInside1 The all-time fee growth in token1, per unit of liquidity, inside the position's tick boundaries
Retrieves fee growth data