@gala-chain/api ∙ API
API > computeSwapStep
Function: computeSwapStep()
▪ sqrtPriceCurrent: BigNumber
▪ sqrtPriceTarget: BigNumber
▪ liquidity: BigNumber
The usable liquidity
▪ amountRemaining: BigNumber
How much input or output amount is remaining to be swapped in/out
▪ fee: number
The fee taken from the input amount
sqrtRatioNext The price after swapping the amount in/out, not to exceed the price target
amountIn The amount to be swapped in, of either token0 or token1, based on the direction of the swap
amountOut The amount to be received, of either token0 or token1, based on the direction of the swap
feeAmount The amount of input that will be taken as a fee
Computes the result of swapping some amount in, or amount out, given the parameters of the swap
The fee, plus the amount in, will never exceed the amount remaining if the swap's amountSpecified
is positive