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High-Throughput Minting

GalaChain's solution to prevent over-minting the supply or circulating capacity of a token while avoiding multi-version concurrency conflicts.

This document is primarily focused on the application-layer coding of logic executed during a single transaction. The perspective is that of an application layer developer writing chaincode.


This article is an advanced topic, and assumes the reader has some familiarity with Hyperledger Fabric, Gala's chaincode implementations (@gala-chain/api, @gala-chain/chaincode), concurrency in distributed systems, and multi-version conccurrency control, Ledger facts and entries, world state, Block data, transactions, and ordering.

There is currently (Nov 2024 at the time of this writing) an open issue in the Hyperledger Fabric repository requesting documentation on the meaning of MVCC_READ_CONFLICT.

For the purposes of this document, it is also worthwhile to understand Fabric's PHANTOM_READ_CONFLICT error code.

In brief, an MVCC_READ_CONFLICT is a multi-version concurrency conflict generally caused by more than one transaction reading different versions of the same World State key/value within the same block. This occurs when the value represented by the key is written in a different transaction. When peers go to validate these transactions, conflicts occur.

A PHANTOM_READ_CONFLICT occurs when a range read contains a different result set between different transaction, usually because one transaction added a new entry that falls within the range read executed by another transaction.

Original Problem

The original implementation of our TokenClass in our assets chaincode used a single totalSupply property as a counter to increment during mint operations.

This was much more straightforward to code to, and was done consciously in the early stages (2022) of the project to move forward with the general implementation.

However, the original implementation suffers from a lack of scalability due to the shared use and writing of singular properties on the TokenClass chain object, especially totalSupply.

Reading and/or writing this shared object in more than one transaction per block causes MVCC_READ_CONFLICTs and failed transactions.

An important clarification up front: The semantics of the GalaChain SDK use totalSupply to mean the total amount of a token ever minted, and totalCapacity to mean the current circulating capacity (total ever minted minus total burned). This semantic has been in place since the beginning (2022).

Some systems or other chains may use "supply" and "capacity" in different, or even opposite ways.

It's unfortunate that the word "circulating" or "circulation" is not used in these property names, but changing them this many years after original creation would require some signfiicant data migration.

In this document, understand the term "supply" to represent the total amount of the token ever minted, not the current quantity in circulation.

Existing High-Throughput Options and Decided Approach

Options for implementing high throughput writes to a shared value are documented and varied.

This implementation combines the Running Total approach with the Submit/Verify approach.

The Running Total approach is well detailed in Jakub Dzikowski's blog post series detailing concurrent smart contracts in Hyperledger Fabric: (part 3) (published 2019, retrieved 2022-2024). This post describes a method for maintaining a running total that represents a user's balance, using two separate contracts to intitiate and complete transfers, encoding a status code to differentiate STARTED from COMPLETED/REJECTED transfers, tradeoffs inherent to using the transaction timestamp value to order transactions, and important considerations for key design in a LevelDB implementation (including lexical ordering and representing numeric timestamps as strings).

The official hyperledger/fabric-samples repository also contains a sample high thrhoughput implementation written in Golang that includes a descriptive README detailing strategies published 2017, retrieved 2022-2024: Submit/Verify is briefly described in Example 2, Solution 2 at the time of this writing (Nov 2022). Basically, it describes one process that Submits a delta to an account balance (credit or debit), and a separate process that verifies that combined deltas over time don't overdraw an account.

Consider both of the above to be required prerequisite reads for reviewing, using, and understanding the GalaChain High Throughput Mint implementation.

This GalaChain document (and code) may use the Submit/Verify and Request/Fulfill semantics interchangeably.

Additional references:

(above Retrieved Nov 2022)

GalaChain High-Throughput: Running Total, Submit/Verify, and Ongoing near Realtime Verification/Reconciliation

The current implementation works with a lookback based mechanism to track the runningTotal as we move forward in time. Timestamps are inverted against an extreme far-future date, stringified and ordered lexigraphically in ascending order from most recent to oldest (see Inverting Time below).

A request/fulfill mechanism spreads the mint across two separate blocks.

Requests contain a delta on the total token mint supply. Fulfilling a request invovles iterating through the results of a range read of recent request entries and summing the deltas to ensure the maximum supply and capacity will not be exceeded.

A sequence operation encoded into the GalaChain Operations API abstracts the two-part Submit/Verify process from the end user, making the two calls seem like a single call from the client perspective.

During each part of the sequence a specific lookback time is used in a getStateByRange query with a specific handling of lexigraphically- ordered key generation.

This permits us to write values from the current block while only reading values from prior blocks, solving our PHANTOM_READ problem.

The brittleness of this approach is that it needs for this lookback time to be at least equal to the current block timeout. In order to account for potential clock drift, ordering, and validation time it likely should be larger.

If the blockTimeout variable ends up less than the current block timeout, then PHANTOM_READs can begin occurring again. If this occurs, our other mitigation strategies (e.g. retry-logic in our Operations API) can potentially help alleviate errors and hold some load.

If we order our lexigraphic, time based keys in ascending order of time stamp (i.e. oldest first) then the most recent entries containing the most up-to-date supply values would be inserted at the end of the index space. Eventually the result set could grow and occupy more than one page of results.

If we want to get some number of entries in the recent past, offset by the approximate current block time, and iterate through them until we have satisfied some criteria determing that we have accounted for all open requests, then the most efficient way to do so would be to go backwards in time: Newest to oldest.

Because LevelDB does not offer a way to reverse a results set, ordering keys oldest first would mean starting at the oldest potential entry and iterating through the entire result set to get to the newest result.

What we need is a key design that lets us lexigraphically order a time based key in a way that we can query the result set in ascending order, newest to oldest.

Inverting Time

GalaChain is currently built on fabric-sdk-node, and its Gateway and Operation API are built on Node.js. The JavaScript programming language expresses Unix timestamps in milliseconds, not seconds.

Pick a number of milliseconds far into the future, say the estimated time when the Earth itself will die. Call this the inversionHeight.

Subtract the current time in milliseconds from that value. Pad the front with zeroes to a standardized length and convert it to a string Simple Key. The closer we are to the time horizon, the more leading zeroes in our key.

We now have a most-recent first, ascending key that can be range queried against. Each new key of the current time will be inserted first, because it's the lowest value lexigraphically.

A range query with a start key some time in the past will skip over any keys representing times happening later. In the Fulfillment steps described below, we can create a startKey offset into the recent past by a multiplier of the block timemout, and and endKey that bounds some larger multiplier of the blockTimeout. If new keys are written to the index space by other transactions during the current transaction's execution, their keys will be inserted before our startKey. Once we have loaded our time-bound range query from LevelDB, we can reverse them and iterate through oldest first to calculate the deltas and add up mints that may have happened concurrently with the Request we are currently trying to Fulfill. It's like rewinding an audio tape, and then playing it back.

We avoid the PHANTOM_READ problem by carefully crafting range read queries that skip over the index key space which could potentially acquire new writes during the current block.

Time within the execution of a single Transaction

Clock drift can be a problem in distributed systems, and should always be considered. However, Hyperledger Fabric peer networks should agree on transaction timestamps, as they are validated, finalized, and ordered in blocks. We at least can count on the transaction timestamp being consistent across peers and during transaction validation.

If we know the block timeout, then we can use it to bound our queries. If we can reasonably assume transaction timestamps to be bound within some approximation of this block timeout, then we can trust that writes won't occur inside our bounded query by other transactions during the current block processing.

During application code execution, we can't know exactly where within a block's timeout our transaction's time stamp falls. If our block timeout is 2,000 milliseconds, we have to assume our transaction's time stamp is occurring anywhere within that 1-2,000 range. We can't pinpoint it exactly, and we can't guess at the horizon between our transaction's timestamp and the time the previous block was determined.

A limitation or tradeoff we work with in this implementation is the assumption that no transactions written in the current block will have transaction timestamps less than n * 1 block timeout in the past. If this generally holds true, we won't see PHANTOM_READ conflicts. If it occassionally is not true, we may see PHANTOM_READs appear when a transaction with an unexpectedly old transaction timestamp attempts to request a mint while another transaction is fulfilling a mint.

This also means that confirmed transactions written in the previous block could fall within the time frame between now and 1 block timeout in the past.

Given a hypothetical contrived block timing:

  • b1: block one: written at 2,000
  • tx1: TxTime of 500 <-- RequestMint written here
  • tx2: TxTime of 1900
  • b2: block two: written at 4,000
  • tx1: TxTime of 2,100 <-- FulfillMint executed here
  • tx2: TxTime of 3,800

b2tx1: 2,100 - 2,000 = 100. This transaction will see neither b1tx1 nor b1tx2. But, our DTO contains the ID of the request we're trying to fulfill, so our range query will start at 500. b2tx2: 3,800 - 2,000 = 1,800. This transaction will see b1tx1, but not b1tx2.

  • b3: block three: written at 6,000
  • tx1: TxTime of 5,000
  • b4: block four: written at 8,000
  • tx1: TxTime of 7,500

Additionally, some amount of time may elapse during the ordering and verifying phases.

By using the Request/Fulfill two-step sequence, we spread fulfillment over at least two separate blocks. And becasue the Operations API responds only when block processing has completed, when

Request entries are written with the TxTime as part of the chain key, so they are written in the order received. A Submit transaction will receive this key, and calculate its range query such that it contains Request entries from at least the prior block or older. The Request needs to exist on chain for the Fulfillment step to work.

The Fulfillment range query will include other Requests written around the same time. Chaincode executing on different peers can read all the same Request chain objects for a given token in same order. By summing all requested quantities in order, peers can verify that the requested quantity does not exceed the maximum capacity or the maximum supply.

It's also possible for blocks to be written faster than the block timeout, when they exceed the MaxMessageCount. This does not present a problem for the BlockTimeout-based range query bounding. All executions of the chaincode in a given block will use the same offset. And the Fulfill step will play forward the range query of Requests deterministicly in the order they were written, using the Request it seeks to fulfill as the starting point. Because the Operations API will not execute the Fulfill step until it receives the result of the Request step, chaincode executing the Fulfillment step holds confidence that the start key was written in a prior block, avoiding PHANTOM_READ conflicts.

Transaction Flow

The following illustrates a single user's transactions to 1) Grant a Mint allowance to self and 2) use this Mint allowance to mint the token. This represents two requests to the Gala Operations API (which handles the Request/Fulfill sequence transparently for the client), and four transactions spread across four separate blocks.

Alice -> RequestMintAllowance


TokenClass TokenMintAllowanceRequest[] <- by lexigraphic, inverted-time-based key. startKey = minimum one block timeout in the past. The endKey is unbounded. If the token has never been minted, the index space will return no results. If the token has not been minted for a significant amount of time in the recent past, this needs to be accounted for as well. This range query gets the most recent n entries (or no results) and estimates the known mint allowance supply that has been previously granted.


TokenMintAllowanceRequest[] <- timeKey based on Transaction TimeStamp. inverted-time-based lexigraphic key ensures no PHANTOM_READ, because the range query read above starts at a later key than generated by the current time stamp.



If the range query of TokenMintAllowanceRequest entries determines that the maximum number of mint allowances have already been granted, then the method will return an error. Otherwise, it will write new TokenMintAllowanceRequest entries that record the delta of new allowance quantity or quantities available for use.

Alice -> FulfillMintAllowance

dto contains 1-n TokenMintAllowanceRequest identifiers


TokenClass (one or more) TokenMintAllowanceRequest[] <- range query is based on provided TokenMintAllowanceRequest chain objects' values. The start key of the range query will be the key written in the prior contract execution, RequestMintAllowance. Our range query will be inclusive of the most recent and the (oldest + n * 1 block timeout) TxTimeStamps of all the requests we are trying to fulfill. All are expected to be at a minimum from the prior block - because this is a two-step sequence method and this is the 2nd step. Our range query includes ALL TokenMintAllowanceRequests in the range, not just the one(s) we are trying to fulfill with our request. This is to account for deltas / quanties incremented by concurrent requests that were written approximate to the request we are seeking to fulfill.


TokenMintAllowance[] TokenAllowance[]

Alice -> RequestMint


TokenClass validateMintRequest() -> (optionally) TokenBridge (to check for bridge authority) TokenAllowance[] (limited by calling user + token key + mint type) verifyMintSupply() -> TokenMintRequest[] <- inclusive of (current time offset by 1 block timeout) through oldest possible, iterated through as needed


TokenMintRequest (with timeKey based on current TxTimeStamp)

Alice -> FulfillMint


TokenClass TokenMintRequest[] <- same as above, another timeKey range query, inclusive of most recent request through (oldest request + n * 1 block timeout). The startKey of the query is provided as input and represents the TokenMintRequest entry written in the previous contract execution.

Data Structures

TokenMintAllowanceRequest TokenMintRequest

used to get most recent running total. see verifyMintAllowanceSupply.ts and verifyMintSupply.ts files.

Sequence Operations

Part of this work involved extending @gala-chain/api and GalaChainTokenContract to support sequence operations. This was necessary to support the Request/Fulfill transaction flow. In order to Fulfill a Request, the Request must have been submitted in a valid transaction contained in a prior block of the blockchain.

A sequence is defined in the MethodAPI. Gala's Operations API detects these sequences. When present, it will sequentially execute the operations against the Hyperledger Fabric network before returning a response to the client. Because Gala's Operations API waits for the transaction to fully succeed before attempting the next sequence request, we know that the sequence chaincalls will happen in separate blocks.

Sequences assume that outputs of prior chaincode executions become inputs to later chaincalls in the sequence. Subsequent steps depends on the existence of valid, authorized chain entries previously written to world state.

Breaking Changes

  • Granting allowances of AllowanceType.Mint requires using a new contract method. GrantAllowance becomes GrantMintAllowance. This is because Mints and Mint Allowances use a two-step sequence, and other Allowance Types do not.
  • HighThroughputMint is intended to be a one-way migration. Tokens previously minted using non-highthroughput methods should not switch back to legacy methods after migrating to HighThroughputMint.
  • Supply and capacity tracking counters stored on the singular TokenClass entry will not be incremented during high-throughput operations. These counters should be considered out-of-date and clients/consumers should use methods that fetch the known mint supply. e.g. FetchTokenClassesWithKnownSupply vs FetchTokenClasses.

Limitations and Assumptions

The primary limitation revolves around the time stamp manipulation and especially the blockTimeout variable. If these variables are not set correctly, or the logic does not guarantee that lookups will skip all transactions potentially writing to the same keyspace, MVCC_READ_CONFLICT or PHANTOM_READ_CONFLICT errors could occur.

This tradeoff is made against prior implementation attempts which did not work nearly as well. An alternative is using a pure version of the prior art documented above, but they all come with their own set of limitations. And most of these limitations are not ideal for a high-throughput, high-user environment (like a limited token sale).

Additionally, malicious clients might attempt to use some kind of timestamp manipulation to game the transaction ordering logic, potentially cutting in line in front of other end users. This is somewhat mitigated by virtue of traffic flowing through Gala's Operation API, which also handles the rapid Request/Fulfill steps on behalf of client users: Requests are not expected to be sitting unfilled on chain for more than a couple seconds, and less during high traffic periods.

The time inverstion horizon is set to several billion years in the future. When GalaChain approaches this time horizon in the distant future, we assume that developers at that time will be able to mitigate the problem, similar to how the Y2K problem was solved for the year 2000.