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Chaincode deployment

Chaincode is published as a Docker image to GalaChain repository. Once the image is published, it can be deployed to GalaChain testnet or sandbox. In order to publish and deploy chaincode, you need to contact GalaChain support and add provide your secp256k1 public key.

The process

  1. Build and publish chaincode Docker image.

    Sample for DockerHub (It uses the to make it available for 1 day):

    docker build --push -t<IMAGE_NAME>:1d .

    Provide us the image name (everything before the : character of full docker tag). In the sample above it is the content of<IMAGE_NAME>.

  2. Provide to GalaChain support chaincode information and public keys.

    The keys are automatically generated when you initialize the project using galachain init, so you can find these keys in keys/ and keys/

    Note: The developer key should be shared with all team members who want to deploy the chaincode.

    If you can't find the keys, you can generate them using the following commands:

    galachain keygen gc-admin-key
    galachain keygen gc-dev-key
  3. Deploy the chaincode to testnet or sandbox:

    galachain deploy <docker-image-tag> <path-to>/gc-dev-key

    Note: you need to provide docker image name and also the version part. If you used the example, the docker-image-tag should be something like<IMAGE_NAME>:1d.

  4. Fetch information about the chaincode and deployments:

    galachain info <path-to>/gc-dev-key

    Once the status is CC_DEPLOYED you can visit the Swagger webpage: You can find your chaincode (gc-<eth-addr>). If the version is still unknown (and you see v?.?.?), it means you may need to wait a couple of minutes till the chaincode is ready.

    Once it is ready, you can use the webpage to call chaincodes. It's good to start PublicKeyContract/GetPublicKey with empty object as request body. It should return the admin public key you provided before.

  5. Call the deployed chaincode

    You can use any REST API client (like axios to call your chaincodes). Remember in most cases you will need to sign the DTO with either the gc-admin-key or any key of registered user.

    We highly recommend to use the @gala-chain/api library for handling DTOs and signing. For instance, you can register a user by calling /api/.../...-PublicKeyContract/RegisterEthUser and providing the following RegisterEthUser as payload:

    const dto = new RegisterEthUser();
    dto.publicKey = <newUserPublicKey>;
    const payloadString = dto.serialize();

    In the current version of the library, local environment exposes slightly different endpoints than the production environment. gcclient and @gala-chain/client packages are compatible with the local environment only. For calling the production environment, you should consult the Swagger documentation at, and use generic REST API client.


GalaChain CLI calls some local command and accesses ServicePortal REST API to accomplish certain tasks. Each REST request body to ServicePortal (1) is signed using our default GalaChain signature type (secp256k1, non-DER), and (2) contains unique request id. Both signing and creating the ID is managed by GalaChain CLI.

Fetching information about chaincode and deployments

galachain info

This command will display:

  • Org, channel, chaincode names.
  • Status of the chaincode deployment.
    Developer ->>+ GalaChain CLI: info
    GalaChain CLI ->>+ ServicePortal: api/deployment
    ServicePortal -->>- GalaChain CLI: sandbox + testnet info
    GalaChain CLI -->>- Developer: info (org, ch, cc, imageName, status)

Deploying the chaincode

Deploying to GalaChain testnet:

galachain test-deploy <docker-image-tag> <path-to>/gc-dev-key

Deploying to GalaChain sandbox:

galachain deploy <docker-image-tag> <path-to>/gc-dev-key

This command schedules deployment of published chaincode Docker image to GalaChain testnet or sandbox. In order to get the information about the current status of deployments, you need to use galachain info command.

    Developer ->>+ GalaChain CLI: deploy (tag)
    GalaChain CLI ->>+ ServicePortal: api/deploy { imageTag, contracts }
    ServicePortal -->>- GalaChain CLI: scheduled
    GalaChain CLI -->>- Developer: scheduled