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Hackathon deployment

Experimental! Deploy your chaincode

For the first time we're able to provide you with the ability to deploy chaincode and make it public. This is an experimental feature, there might be some glitches, and at some point all the data will be probably removed.

How to deploy:

  1. Build and publish your chaincode as a docker image in public repo (for instance DockerHub, GitHub registry or GitLab registry). Remember to docker login before pushing.

Sample for GitLab:<your-username>/my-gc-chaincode:0.0.1
docker buildx build . -t "$IMG_TAG" -o type=image --platform=linux/amd64
docker push "$IMG_TAG"

Provide us the image name (everything before the : character of full docker tag). In the sample above it is the content of IMG_TAG var without :0.0.1 part.

  1. Provide us your secp public key for chaincode admin, and secp public keys for all developers. You can generate sone with the command:
galachain keygen gc-admin-key
galachain keygen gc-dev-key

The above command creates a private keys in ./gc-admin-key and ./gc-dev1-key, and public keys in ./, ./ We need the content of *.pub files for chaincode admin user and for all developers who want to deploy. Keep private keys safe, they will be needed later.

  1. Once we register your public keys, you will be able to connect your chaincode with GalaChain. To do it, navigate to the root directory of your chaincode and call the following command, providing path to developer private key:
galachain connect <path-to>/gc-dev-key

You should see the message that confirms you are connected:

You are now connected! Chaincode gc-<eth-addr-from-admin-pub-key>
  1. If your docker image is published, and your chaincode is connected, you can deploy it to our sandbox environment with the command:
galachain deploy <docker-image-tag> <path-to>/gc-dev-key

Note: you need to provide docker image name and also the version part.

  1. You can check the status of your deployment with the command:
galachain info <path-to>/gc-dev-key

Once the status is CC_DEPLOYED you can visit the Swagger webpage: You can find your chaincode (gc-<eth-addr>). If the version is still unknown (and you see v?.?.?), it means you may need to wait a couple of minutes till the chaincode is ready.

Once it is ready, you can use the webpage to call chaincodes. It's good to start PublicKeyContract/GetPublicKey with empty object as request body. It should return the admin public key you provided before.

GC support internal notes

To register a user, go to and provide:

  • Run for branch name or tag: register-user
  • Variable key: CHAINCODE_IMAGE_NAME and value: provided image name from the participant (should not contain :)
  • Variable key: CHAINCODE_ADMIN_PUBLIC_KEY and value: provided key from the participant
  • Variable key: CHAINCODE_DEV_PUBLIC_KEYS and value: provided keys from participant, separated by a single space

Then run the pipeline and wait till it ends. If the output contains error response, it probably means, something was wrong with the input.